(As is by convention, in theoretical computer science, authors are listed in alphabetical order.)
Submodular Maximization in Turnstile Streams for Improved Fingerprinting
Alessandro Epasto, Vahab Mirrokni, Hoai-An Nguyen, David Woodruff, and Peilin Zhong
In Submission
Near-Optimal Bounds for Approximating Impact Indices in a Stream
Honghao Lin, Hoai-An Nguyen, and David Woodruff
In Submission
Provable Reset-free Reinforcement Learning by No-Regret Reduction
Hoai-An Nguyen, Ching-An Cheng
ICML 2023
Conference Version | Full Version
Asymptotically Optimal Bounds for Estimating H-Index in Sublinear Time with Applications to Subgraph Counting
Sepehr Assadi, Hoai-An Nguyen
Conference Version | Full Version | Presentation
Workshop Papers
Provable Reset-free Reinforcement Learning by No-Regret Reduction
Hoai-An Nguyen, Ching-An Cheng
AAAI 2023 RL4PROD Workshop (spotlight)
Paper under the same name published through ICML 2023