
I am a second-year Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University where I am fortunate to be co-advised by Richard Peng and David Woodruff. Previously, I was an undergraduate at Rutgers University where I was fortunate to be advised by Sepehr Assadi. I also had the privilege of interning with Ching-An Cheng at Microsoft Research in the summer of 2022. I am partially supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

My research interests lie in theoretical computer science. In particular, I am thinking about:
- sublinear algorithms (streaming, sketching, sublinear-time)
- communication complexity (for streaming lower bounds)
- graph algorithms (graph sparsification, linear system solving)

I am also passionate about teaching and increasing diversity within CS. I have been a head LA, LA, and TA for various CS courses.

Email: hnnguyen(at)andrew.cmu.edu, CV


(As is by convention, in theoretical computer science, authors are listed in alphabetical order.)

Provable Reset-free Reinforcement Learning by No-Regret Reduction
Hoai-An Nguyen, Ching-An Cheng
ICML 2023
Conference Version | Full Version

Asymptotically Optimal Bounds for Estimating H-Index in Sublinear Time with Applications to Subgraph Counting
Sepehr Assadi, Hoai-An Nguyen
Conference Version | Full Version | Presentation

Workshop Papers
Provable Reset-free Reinforcement Learning by No-Regret Reduction
Hoai-An Nguyen, Ching-An Cheng
AAAI 2023 RL4PROD Workshop (spotlight)
Paper under the same name published through ICML 2023


  • TA for Algorithm Design and Analysis (15-451) @ CMU, Spring 2024
  • TA for Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms (198-344) @ Rutgers, Spring 2022, Spring 2023
  • Head LA for Data Structures (198-112) @ Rutgers, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022
  • LA for Data Structures (198-112) @ Rutgers, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023
  • LA for Introduction to Computer Science (198-111) @ Rutgers, Fall 2020


  • reviewer for: ICALP 2024, KDD 2024
  • co-organizing CMU’s algorithms and complexity lunch seminar
  • session leader for the CMU TechNights program in Fall 2023


Check out my boyfriend Michael Liu’s project: LiveOrderBook.